
Showing posts from July 15, 2018

ResidualVM: Week 9

So apparently this week is still about the keyboard bindings, mostly on the two things: the display of exit locations, and further improvement on the dialog panel. In the original game, when the player presses the key X, all the exit locations of the current location will be pointed out with a symbol on it. To achieve this, I need to find which PATTable (the object that contains info of a clicking area) has the exit action, get its location, and render a symbol on it. It sounds easy, but the OO structure of the game engine warps it in a pretty complex way and I have to open interfaces in many classes. After doing so, I started to understand that why people are being more critical to OO design and FP is getting more popular. You really need to know how  to balance things. Also, it took me some time to verify the exact location of the symbol to be drawn. See the exit symbol on the door? As for the dialog panel, I made a wrong assumption in my previous implementation: assumin...