ResidualVM: Week 11

Well, probably the shortest blog ever this time...

Long story short, I haven't figure out how the original game computes the shadows. There can be at most ten lights in a scene but there is only one shadow, and the way that shadow reacts with lights in the game is just, so strange...

Take this scene as an example. The green circle is the range denoted by the field maxShadowLength. It's too large, way larger than the true shadow length in the original game. There is only one light entry here, the lamp. You may imagine what will happen if you hold a lamp so close like this. The shadow should be extremely long and cast on the wall, right? That's not what happens in the original game. In fact, the lamp just moves the shadow a tiny bit against its direction.

So I can only draw the conclusion that the original game does not compute the shadow as the reality. I have tried many possible and "reasonable" implementations that came into my mind but none of them seemed to be fit. (Yeah based on the above description you may be thinking about biasing the length or something like that but believe me, I have tried, really.)

Have to say that this is really frustrating. Anyway, I'll keep on digging next week.


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